is a comprehensive online directory of Canadian doctors that helps patients find a doctor information or clinic location, such as doctor profiles, practice areas, address, phone, website, related health care profession services, map, and driving direction, are listed when available.
Review your doctor, hospital, dentist, healthcare professional and medicine in Canada (Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec & Saskatchewan) with fast and easy to use forms. Evaluate your health care services and submit your opinions. Examine other patient assessments of their health care treatments. Research ratings, credentials and make a more informed decisions. Find the best medical services for you and your family through patient feedback.
We are continuously improving the listing accuracy and convenience of our services. If you would like us to include a doctor or health care clinic not listed here, simply visit our add a doctor. If you notice something wrong with any of our listings such as Incorrect Contact Information, Invalid Phone Number or Website Address, and Spelling errors, please contact us.
DISCLAIMER: is open to the public. There is no way to know who is genuinely a client of a doctor. has no responsibility for material representations by anonymous and unverifiable third parties, including doctors who post reviews of their own clinic, or who post negative reviews about other licensees. The reviews published here are not presented to mislead the public into believing that any one doctor is superior or inferior to another.